It’s Alive!

Wwwwhat are we doin’ here bro?  It’s dark and creepy.  I’m scared out of my spores . . . 

Don’t worry bro.  We’re trying to find out what that dastardly female fungus is up to.  I need to know if she’s finished creating her monster.  Maybe we can stop her.  Shhhh, I hear something . . .


Muah-hahaha!  Those little boy toys will be pooping in their diapers when they see my latest creation . . . 

I just need a little electrical activity to get the juice flowing into my monster . . . she needs to be alive!

It’s not quite alive . . .

But why did we bring along that cephalopod?  He’s even more scared than me.

Bro, he’s a victim of Toadette too.  He deserves to know what’s going too.

Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!  Get it off!  Get it off!


Spiders!  Ahhhhh!

What the . . . ?!!


Ackkkk, there’s one on me too!!  Help!

There’s one on me! Help!

OMG!  There’s a big one on me too . . . **muffle, muffle**


Oh god, I’m gonna be spider chow!  

I’m spider chow . . . !!

Hmmmm, wonder where my spider pets are?  No worries.  Those carnivorous arachnids can fend for themselves. I’ll just have to teach them to stay away from my monster when she comes to life . . . muah-hahah!


Double Trouble

Hey peeps, check out our uber awesome sports car (please ignore the chicken on the side).  Isn’t this great!  We’ve been giving her spin ’round the place, just to see how fast it can go . . . vroooom, vrooom!!

Vroom, vroom!

Yeah it’s epic–like me!

Ummm, don’t think you’re that epic bro.  But you’re right that this is one sweet ride.  I think I’ll call her Susan.

Wheee . . .

And you’re a very good driver too bro.

Gee thanks bro.  Let’s check out the rest of this place.  Maybe we’ll go a little faster .  .  .

Watch out!  Not too fast!  Don’t wanna crash into the coffee table or the cat . . . aaaahhhhh . . . .

Not too fast . . .

Hey stop bro.  I see something strange up ahead . . .

Hmmmm, who’s that up there?  There’s someone under the light . . .

Let’s climb this big brown mountain and hide behind this ridge. 

Who’s that?

OMG!  It’s the container culprit!

OMG!  It’s Toadette . . . hold me!  I’m scared!

She’s sewing something . . . oh dear heavens, it looks like she’s making another Toadette!!

Making another Toadette . . . !!




Heaven help us!  Now we’ll have double the trouble!  And twice the pain.

I don’t wanna go in two jars!!

Tasty Trap

Wow, there’s a rumbly in my tumbly . . . hmmm, I’m feelin’ sooooo hungry.  I should eat something . . . 

Rumbly in my tumbly . . .

Oh wait . . .  what’s this?  OMG, it’s a cookie!  Who would leave a yummy in an empty container?


Hmmmm, that cookie looks so lonely.  It needs a friend . . . Better put it in my tummy, but how do I get into the container ?  Guess I better try climbing in.

Come to daddy, Little Cookie . . .

This container is so slippery . . . Oh no, I’m falling in . . .  Ack!  Oh well, at least I have my cookie . . . Oh wait,  it’s a mirage!!  There is no cookie!  No fair!  OMG, now the lid has fallen!  Ack!  I’m trapped!  I’m a trapped Toad in a jar!!  Brother!!

Toad in a jar?! Help!!

Oh no! Bro! How did you get trapped in there?  Oh never mind. Let’s just get you outta here.

I’ll get you outta here, bro . . .

I bet that dastardly cephalopod Eggy did this to you.  When I find him . . . OMG!  Eggy, you’re in a jar too! How did this happen?!

I just wanted a cookie . . .waaaahhhhhhhh!


Hmmmmmmm, if Eggy didn’t do this, then who is to blame?  And how do I save everyone?  Maybe if I go back to Toadie’s jar, I can find a way in . . . A-ha, I found a string! Where does it lead?

A string?

Hmmmm . . . .through the door handle . . .

Through the door handle . . .

Over the coffie maker . . .

Over the coffee maker . . .

Hmmmm . . . it leads up to these shelves, but I can’t climb or jump up that high.  Could the culprit still be up there?  And who could be the nasty perpetrator of this dastardly crime?  Now I’m getting very, very angry . . .  harumpf!

I’m gettin’ cross

Hee, hee . . . he doesn’t suspect me.  What a fungus head!  😀

Hee, hee . . .

This is quite the mystery . . .

What a mystery!